Thursday 21 January 2010

the next chapter...

We had had our initial consultation at the fertility clinic and were now waiting for the treatment to start. We had to wait a year from referrel, which was weird, kind of in limbo and hoping and praying each month that it would happen on its own and we'd be the couples you hear about who miraculously get pregnant the month before their treatment starts.
I had been charting my cycles for a while. This basically involves taking my temperature as soon as I wake up in the morning. Ideally at about the same time each day. This is then put into a computer programme that I use and by monitoring this I can see when I ovulate by looking for a sustained temperature rise. This has proved very interesting because one of the features of being 'polycystic' is that we often don't ovulate, but in fact charting has proved that I do, its just I don't fit into the classic 28 day cycle - ovulate at day 14. Instead I tend to ovulate around day19-21 of a 32 day cycle.
I don't know if this was always the case or whether the clomid kick started my cycle, but I ovulate and thats great! The charting has, of course allowed my obsessive nature to appear in terms of calculating at which point we must have sex to optimise the chances of conception and the amazing peeing on a stick to see if the hormones are getting ready for ovulation allowing me to further predict when the moment will happen. I'm sure this is not good for me!
Anyway, amongst all of this obsessing I found an acupuncturist willing to take me on! I have been going for almost a year now and I find it wonderful, a bit of me time where I relax, and have been known to fall asleep. I go to her weekly and feel much better in myself and felt much better prepared for the next step on the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, MrsW from V here. Have you ever had a post-coital test? I did and it turns out my CM is very acidic and kills the handful of good sperm DH actually has! IUI would have been a good option for us had DHs sperm been better. Don't give up and have faith that you will get there. I've also heard great things about 'Mr T' on

    I kept a journal for the final 18 months of my journey and found it very therapeutic so keep on writing, it saved my sanity and it's so interesting to look back on. I was so despondent and thought I'd never get there, but I did. So will you. Stay strong.

    Karen xx
